The 28th feature film from Disney and Pixar, “Elio,” has an incredible teaser trailer, a poster, and some photos. The voice cast has been expanded, as it was revealed this morning: The interplanetary misadventure is set to launch on March 1, 2024, and Jameela Jamil and Brad Garrett will join previously announced America Ferrera and Yonas Kibreab. Please share the trailer, poster, and photographs with your readers after seeing them.
In the new Disney and Pixar film “Elio,” the cosmos responds to the questions that humanity have been asking it for generations. Elio, a misfit with a vivid imagination, is introduced in the original feature film as a member of the Communiverse, an international organisation made up of people from other galaxies. Elio must forge new friendships with quirky alien lifeforms, endure a number of difficult trials, and somehow figure out who he is actually intended to be after being mistakenly labelled as Earth’s envoy to the rest of the universe. Elio is totally unprepared for that type of pressure.