A HOLIDAY CHANCE | When Garvin Chance (Richard Lawson), the founder of a multi-million-dollar film production company, and his family experiences some tragic events during the Christmas holidays, two sisters Noel Chance (Nafessa Williams) and Naomi Chance (Sharon Leal) must set aside a life-long rivalry and come together to turn the company around and keep the family intact.
- GENERE: Family/Drama/Comedy
- RUNTIME: 112 Mins MPAA: PG-13
- KEY CAST: Sharon Leal, Nafessa Williams , Amin Joseph, Vanessa Bell Calloway, Richard Lawson, Tobias Truvillion, Dorien Wilson
- RELEASE DATE: 11.24.2021
- DIRECTOR: Jamal Hill
- WRITER: Curtis Bryant
- PRODUCERS: Manny Halley, Rodney Turner II and Yolanda Halley