Production on 20th Century Studios’ original movie “The Boogeyman,” directed by Rob Savage (“Host”) and based on a short story by Stephen King, commenced this week in New Orleans. The story follows a 16-year old and her younger sister, still reeling from the death of their mother, who are targeted by a supernatural boogeyman after their father, a psychologist, has an encounter with a desperate patient in their house. The horror-thriller stars Chris Messina (“Sharp Objects”), Sophie Thatcher (“Yellowjackets”), Vivien Lyra Blair (“Bird Box”), David Dastmalchian (“The Suicide Squad”), Marin Ireland (“The Last Man”) and Madison Hu (“Voyagers”). “The Boogeyman” will stream in 2023 exclusively as an Original film on Disney’s direct-to-consumer platforms, on Hulu in the U.S., Star+ in Latin America and Disney+ under the Star banner in all other territories.
“The Boogeyman” is produced by 21 Laps’ Shawn Levy, Dan Levine and Dan Cohen, with Scott Beck and Bryan Woods (“A Quiet Place”) and Emily Morris serving as executive producers. 21 Laps’ next projects include “The Adam Project,” directed by Levy, and the fourth season of “Stranger Things.” “Cheaper by the Dozen,” “Crater” and an animated version of “Night at the Museum” are all launching this year as well. The company is currently in pre-production on “All the Light We Cannot See,” which Levy is directing, and the second season of “Shadow and Bone.” Additionally, “Rosaline” is in post-production.